Joy is the power that we most need now. It’s not about denying the problems around but finding a place of real inner freedom, dynamism and inclusivity, while dealing with difficult situations. Joyism’s unique ‘Joyist Approach’ is the panacea for all the negative social aspects seen in society. Ultimately our true success is from getting to authentically ‘Feel the Joy’ in us and not from the image we project to the world.www.pfcmarek.me


What is joy? Joy is not found in happy experiences and in our relationships with our loved ones. Joy is a deeper thing than just the result of happy circumstances. Joy is a by-product of serving others, of sharing good. It may be the sense of a work well and honestly done. But joy is even more than this. Joy is not a result of anything—of good deeds, of doing work well, of anything else. Joy is not a result; it is a cause! It can happen to us. We can also make Joy happen in our lives and make other things happen because of it!!

Joy is a spiritual principle that we can lay hold of and use. It is a principle that we can use all the time, whether outer conditions are as favorable as we would like them to be or not. And if they are not what we wish, we can do more than put up with them; we can make them improve by using the principle of spiritual joy.

Joy is a good influence in any situation, and there are many ways we can express joy—with positive thoughts, pleasant words, a smile, even by using our sense of humor. “The Joy of God is your strength” declare spiritual sages of yore, because joy in us, compellingly calls forth joy in the world around us.

We cannot wait for circumstances to bring us joy; we must make our own joy and let it act upon circumstances. One of the paradoxes of Truth is that a happy heart draws to itself all that it needs for happiness. And we can keep our hearts happy by drawing on the wellspring of joy that is a part of our spiritual nature.

Any problem or trouble can be overcome by the power of joy. Some over-comings take longer than others. But even if we are dealing with a problem of long standing, that is no reason to despair or to give up hope of solving new problems that come along.


Yaseva a techno-cultural socio-spiritual entrepreneur is the founder of Joyism. He is a songwriter, composer, socio-civic soft-skills designer, inter-religious discourser, peace activist and disruptive innovator for the common-good. He is the founder of the ‘Global City-Joy Indices’ project that aims to put cities across the world on the ‘road of joy’.



    JOYISM is inclusive. 'Joy' is the birth-right of each and every person, the identity of those connected with God; the source of Joy.

    JOYISM is dynamic. Joy is not a static experience or expression; it is self-motivated, vibrant and energizing.
  • 3. LOVE

    JOYISM is driven by the power of unconditional love manifested by deep and genuine concern for people and ecology.
  • 4. PURPOSE

    JOYISM actualizes the purpose of our life and gives unerring focus and zeal.
  • 5. ETERNAL

    JOYISM guarantees a sublime future in this age and immortality in life here after.

    JOYISM is proliferates a divine attribute of God in society, giving us a foretaste heaven; on earth.