New Era Gandhi Academy
Academy – Yaseva has upped Mahatma Gandhi's strategy of nonviolent social transformation to a higher level, with the founding of 'New Era Gandhian philosophy, commitment and action. Replacing 'non-violent protests, blockades and civil disobedience' with a ‘Joyist’, 'posterity joy consciousness', ‘joy of all’ approach, which is non-threatening, is pro-citizens, inclusive and non-sectarian. NEGA has been instituted for the proactive pragmatic dissemination for the restoration, regeneration and revival of the planet and people in these times and for the joy of future generations. Because Joy is the birth-right of each and everyone and New Era Gandhi Academy stands for the ‘Joy for All’! Yes! ‘New Era Gandhi Academy’ has the Motto “I Too…Will Be the change I want to see”. Therefore New Era Gandhi Academy proactively looks for creative, entrepreneurial and superior synergic solutions for remedying the socio-civic problems being faced in multiple sectors. New Era Gandhi Academy strives to initiate this change from the individual heart level, to the home level, and spread to the street and locality levels.