Joyism brings powerful healing and transformation to various chronic social anomalies prevalent in society, such as child sexual abuse, human trafficking, gender and domestic violence, bonded labour, gun violence etc., are on the increase; including injustice in various forms - inequality, discrimination, environmental exploitation for commercial gains, etc.

Closer scrutiny of the various rights violations and other forms of 'negative expressions’ reveals that they are the ‘output’ from the same 'selfish predatory and domineering - 'sans joy human mind' that does not think it wrong to usurp another's happiness and joy! Thus the focus of “Joyist Intervention Methodology” is therefore on emancipation of perpetrators of such crime. They need to be guided into their ‘Joy Journey’ and liberated to a higher realm of living, yet the focus on inputs for ‘transformation of the perpetrators’, is to also to be looked at, and suitable process and platform for this must happen. The Joyist Approach has the potential to draw erring citizens away from indulging in negativity and involvement in perpetrating the same; thus making it an effective way for ensuring long-term Justice and Peace to prevail in society. The ‘Joyist Approach educates, empowers, emboldens and embarks children, youth, women and men, to get on to the ‘Road of Joy’. ‘Joy' is each and every ones birth right. The remediation possibilities through Joyism is lasting since the negative energy gets channelized into positive achievements that has the potential to constantly expand and grow. Pleasing God by serving the common good and ‘Doing God Proud’ through ‘Noble Deeds’ has no limits.